Whether the skies are beautiful and sunny or cloudy and grey, we can live fully in the moment.
That’s at the bottom of the “About Us” page, and it seems well to use this blog to flesh out the spare words of the site. The key phrase here is living fully in the moment.
When we open ourselves to Wonder, let the sensation fill us beyond the point of thought, we can just be. Looking back to times like this we tend not to remember details, but feelings come easily. Those skilled at seeing wonder (small children and adults who’ve done some work) discover it all around them; and Spring is a good time to do this work — because it’s easier.
Sunny and cloudy skies are the same thing from the standpoint of Wonder. Imagine: you are standing in a sunny spot feeling gently warmed all over, you hear birds singing and a gentle breeze touches you. Sink into that imagined memory…. Wonderful.
Now the rainy and cloudy day. Before imagining, consider that the birds sing just as happily, the breeze still caresses — and the rain nourishes all the green growing things. The plants happily drink the water and bathe their roots, still getting what they need from the sun just not at full volume. The whole earth around us is exuberantly happy in the rain. And you know that after the rain stops there will be a riot of new growth and richer color in leaves, soil looking healthy rather than parched.
Imagine: It is raining and all is getting washed and clean. The exuberant plants share their joy with you as the birds sing, and as a human you can see the connection between this rain and the the beauty that follows: an opportunity to connect two exuberant moments, Wonder experienced and Wonder anticipated.
There is Wonder all around us. It takes a knack to be still enough to sense it, and the more we sense it the easier it is to do. So, the next time it rains this Spring, allow yourself to be in the moment…and allow the Wonder to wash over you.